Tuesday, June 29, 2010


First off, the Cleveland Dirty Show that had been scheduled for July 10 has been postponed until sometime this fall. More on that as details emerge...

Second, I've been having a lot of trouble uploading images to Blogger -- yeah, that empty window over there is about the size of it.

As a result, I have been dabbling with Tumblr, so for the time being, you might meander over to my Tumblr page to see new images and such. Might end up moving the whole operation over there. garymphoto.tumblr.com -- please leave a comment and let me know what you think.


guiie said...

I think tumblr does not encourage the visitors to leave a comments, its just a series of photos..

unbearable lightness said...

Don't know, Gary. I've been looking for other options, too, but I am going to follow DaveL with a website. I agree with Guille regarding tumblr. I am bothered by the slideshow thing.

Dave Levingston said...

Can't say I care for tumblr. And, if there's a way to leave a comment over there I sure couldn't find it.

London Escorts Agency said...

This is very fine and cool posting.