Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why is it even close?

Just watch a few minutes of this video of Barack Obama outlining his economic program, and it should be obvious that the man is brilliant, capable, informed, and insightful. Then watch McCain struggling to read a stump speech, and it's clear the man is tired... I don't agree 100% with Obama's policies, but I do fully support electing someone with a sharp mind who won't have to rely on "top advisors" to tell him how to think. There have been numerous times when reporters have asked McCain a policy question, and he doesn't know his own position on certain major issues, and he sheepishly says "well, I'll have to look up what I think about that and get back to you" -- is THAT change you can believe in?

I don't envy whoever inherits the job of running what's left of the USA next year. Financial collapse, domestic natural disasters, international turmoil. I think someone once said "anyone crazy enough to want to be president should be disqualified from getting the job." Then again, I remember my father saying that, in the course of your career, to "go where the problems are" if you want to make a difference and find fulfillment in your work. And I can't think of too many jobs where more problems are waiting to be solved than being the next President.

One interesting tidbit I'd found is that the McCain campaign is mailing FAULTY absentee ballot request forms to registered DEMOCRATS in key states. Why do that? Well, say I get one, and fill it out and send it in -- I think I'll get my absentee ballot in the mail, but in reality, I may be declaring that I'm ineligible to vote, so either the board of elections doesn't fulfill my request, or somehow marks me as ineligible, or the board of elections in my heavily Democratic county gets overwhelmed sorting out the mess. Some of these bogus forms have return addresses in DIFFERENT STATES so it can be said that voters are attempting to register in TWO states, and are thus disqualified. In Michigan, Republican Party officials in Macomb County plan to use home foreclosure lists to challenge voters at the polls in November to stop voters who no longer have valid addresses from casting their ballots. Lose your house, lose your right to vote. The Republicans have a name for these shenanigans: they call it "VOTER fraud." Not election fraud.

So, if you have any interest at all in this country's future, please send any money you can spare to the Obama campaign. Or at least register and vote.


Alan Klem said...

No matter how people vote, I still have a feeling there's going to be massive voter fraud and McCain will win. I've been strongly considering writing to the U.N. asking them to oversee the election results. They wanted to do that in 2004 but Bush refused to allow it.

Unknown said...

uuummm... i filled out one of those mailers (laughing the whole time, saying "pay for my vote againstyou, buddy!") and sent it in. needless to say, i have not seen anything come back.... gulp!

Zombie Edward said...

I got some thingy in the mail for absentee ballot. I don't bother with them, I like to go to the place and vote. Plus, the school/church I go to now has a bake sale on election days!

Like Alan, I have a feeling something crappy is going to happen with the voting. Someone that has nothing to gain or lose from the election needs to be in charge of it.

Anonymous said...

Do you perchance have linkage for the stories in that penultimate paragraph?

Gary M Photo said...

Read more at...